Everyone I’d guess would say world peace would be a fine thing.  Or an end to poverty or homelessness or starvation.  Everyone winces at the pictures of starving children in China, Africa or wherever such misery exists.  But wanting something and making it happen are two different things.  How would such wonderful things happen?  What would it take?

I saw how it works, (or would work, or could work) the other day.  In a way it was just a small gesture.  In another way it told the whole story – kind of like an acorn tells the whole story of the mighty oak.

Mia and Karen are in the same woman’s group.  Mia has been around longer and is well grounded in her spiritual walk.  She’s doing fine. Karen is struggling right now.  Karen is locked in the victim’s mentality of, “No one cares about me, I don’t have a friend in the world, I am and always have been an outsider.”

Mia let her vent awhile but then asked Karen, “What do you do for fun?”  Karen had no idea.  She’d never thought about fun I guess.  And since “no one cared about her” there was no one to have fun with, whatever that was.  The best she could come up with was sometimes she liked to plant things and watch them grow.

Here is where the wonder, the magic and the miracle of a loving heart broke through.  Mia reached out her hand to Karen.  She reached out.  She didn’t just talk the talk, she walked the walk.  She didn’t just say a prayer, she WAS the prayer.  Mia said, “After the meeting you and I are going to the market to buy some plants.  Then we are going to your house and plant them.”

After the meeting, off they went.

A day or so later I got this e-mail from Mia, “Just a follow up about Karen. We planted her flowers then we went downtown and had lunch.  Then we walked around and did some window-shopping.  (Neither of us bought anything but it was fun looking.) Then we came back to my house, washed her car and Karen then took a nap.  Later we cooked dinner and then took another walk.  It was a full day and a FUN day.”

That’s how it works.  One person loving and showing up for another.  It works by people taking care of each other.  It works by caring and loving and doing. 

Makes you wonder if “the world” will ever learn?

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One Response to “HOW IT WORKS”

  1. funk3town Says:

    Really sweet story. I have watched so many beautiful moments like this in our circles….and that is the big question–what is it you love to do? It really is amazing how many people go silent for a moment…. Many blessings!

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